This page provides county Extension offices with resources for serving limited English proficient (LEP) members of the public. For a list of translated projects, refer to our “Our Impact” page.
This library is organized by the following topic areas:
- Language Access Services
- Compliance (Multilingual Forms and Statements)
- How do agencies charge for interpretation and translation?
- Responding to Emergency Situations
Language Access Services
The documents below provide Extension colleagues the tools and steps necessary to understand the processes with working the Language Access team to coordinate translation and interpretation services. The following sections are organized by general Language Access information, translation specific documents, and interpretation specific documents.
General Language Access documents
Click on the links below to access the document:
D021. Language Access Team Services
This document provides a brief overview of the Language Access Team’s services.
D003. Budgeting your translation or interpretation project
This document provides a brief overview of what to budget for translation and interpretation projects.
Estimating the cost of Language Access services
This document provides an estimation of costs for different language access services. It’s purpose is to help Extension colleagues budget for Extension projects and/or programming. All costs are based on the current market rate.
D008. Documenting Efforts to Serve LEP Audiences
This document outlines ways for Extension colleagues to keep track of their efforts towards providing services for LEP audiences.
D004. Can bilingual staff, volunteers, or minors interpret/translate?
This document provides Extension colleagues information on choosing appropriate interpreters for their programming.
E001. Designing multilingual flyers
This document provides brief tips to creating multilingual flyers designed for outreach.
E010. Developing Multilingual Web Spaces
This document provides information colleagues can utilize to create multilingual spaces. By outlining structures, knowing when to translate text, and more, colleagues can work to build a multilingual web space.
LanguageLine Quick Reference Guide
This document provides Extension staff specific information relevant to accessing the LanguageLine services such as phone number and invoicing information. If you are unable to access your code through your AED, please contact OAIC.
LanguageLine Partnering with and Accessing an Interpreter
This document provides step by step instructions on how to use LanguageLine.
LanguageLine Materials Reference Guide
This document provides information on how to access physical documents for LanguageLine.
Click on the links below to access the document:
The documents below detail topic tips that help colleagues navigate the translation process with our Language Access team. Translation materials are text-based materials which may include fact sheets, brochures, newsletters, outreach materials, program materials, or any website content.
D013. Translation
This document presents an overview of OAIC’s translation management process
D005. Tips for managing your translation project
This document describes the types of projects that the Language Access team works on and specific details to working on translation projects.
D010. Should you translate documents for outreach?
This document outlines when it is appropriate to translate documents.
Click on the links below to access the document:
The documents below detail topic tips that help colleagues navigate the interpretation process with our Language Access team. Interpretation services relate to oral programming such as workshops, trainings, conferences, and delegations/international partnerships
D012. Interpretation
This document presents an overview of OAIC’s interpretation management process.
D002. Hosting programs with interpreter services
This document explains how program leads can work with interpreters to ensure smooth interpretation for LEP individuals
D006. Working with interpreters for your program event
This document provides requesters a comprehensive checklist for working with interpreters for their programming.
D001. Working with interpreters: A guide for guest presenters
This document provides information to speakers and presenters on how to work with interpreters for in-person programming.
D009. Managing Zoom Interpretation
This document provides a step-by-step process for setting up Zoom interpretation before, during, and after your event.
D011. How to use Zoom interpretation – In Spanish
This document outlines in Spanish how-tos to Zoom interpretation.
D011. How to use Zoom interpretation – In Spanish
This document outlines in Spanish how-tos to Zoom interpretation.
How to use Zoom interpretation – in HMoob
This document outlines in HMoob (Hmong) how-tos to Zoom interpretation.
Setting up Zoom interpretation
This video is part one of a four part series on Zoom interpretation. This video explains to colleagues how to set up Zoom interpretation.
Online event hosts and Zoom interpretation
This video is part two of a four part series on Zoom interpretation. This video explains to colleagues how coordinate with the language access team to set up their Zoom interpretation event.
Online event presenters and Zoom interpretation
This video is part three of a four part series on Zoom interpretation. This video explains to colleagues on how they can lead their Zoom interpretation event on the day of the event.
How to use Zoom interpretation
This video is part four of a four part series on Zoom interpretation. This video explains to participants on how they can use the Zoom interpretation feature at their online event.
How to use Zoom interpretation – Spanish
This video is part four of a four part series on Zoom interpretation. This video explains to participants on how they can use the Zoom interpretation feature at their online event in Spanish
How to use Zoom interpretation – HMoob
This video is part four of a four part series on Zoom interpretation. This video explains to participants on how they can use the Zoom interpretation feature at their online event in HMoob.
Compliance (Forms and Statements)
Click on the links below to access the document:
“Compliance” refers to the alignment of organizational structures, practices, and policies that are anchored by, but extend beyond, the established minimum legal standards for providing equitable access to programs and services in accordance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other sources of federal law and policy.
B001. Demographic Form Template
B006. Partner nondiscrimination letter
To help us ensure that our partners do not intentionally discriminate, we ask that they complete an Assurance of Nondiscrimination by Partner Organization.
Guidelines (PDF)
Template (download document)
B004. Non-discrimination statements
These statements are a part of our organization’s responsibilities for non-discrimination compliance with federal law, and are intended for use across Extension’s communications, publications, and programming materials.
B002. Photo Release form
To help us ensure the privacy of our participants, we provide the following forms to ask for permissions in photo release.
C007. When is Extension legally responsible for translating text-based materials?
This document is a flowchart used to help colleagues understand when Extension should translate materials under legal responsibility.
Your Right to Translation and Interpretation Services
This brochure can be printed by County Extension staff to handout to participants to notify them of their right to language access services.
Your Right Poster Legal size
This poster can be displayed in County offices to notify participants of their right to language access services.
Your Right Poster Letter size
This poster can be handed out in County offices to notify participants of their right to language access services.
Elements of a linguistically inclusive learning space
This poster displays the elements of an inclusive learning space with simultaneous language interpretation.
How do agencies charge for interpretation and translation?
How do agencies charge for interpretation and translation?
- Projects requiring additional approval
Project or events can vary in size and scope, which may warrant additional considerations for administrative decisions and funding. Thus, requesters may need to seek additional approval from program area leadership. The Language Access Coordinator will communicate with the requester in case additional approval is needed and provide guidance as appropriate.
- Cost sharing
There is no fee for requesting language support services. However, depending on the nature of the project, program areas may be partially or wholly responsible for sharing the costs of providing translation and interpretation services. The Language Access Coordinator in coordination with program area leadership will determine funding implications and cost sharing responsibility for projects. For circumstances related to the nature of organizational responsibilities and legal accountability for ensuring language access, please refer to Section III and Section IV of this plan. The Language Access Coordinator is available to provide guidance on whether or not cost sharing is necessary for programs, services, and activities that need language support services.
Responding to Emergency Situations
Responding to Emergency Situations
- Natural disasters or any other type of emergency situation may pose immediate risks to the health, life, environment, or property of Wisconsin residents. During emergencies, immediate dissemination of critical information to the public, safety response, or damage assessment may need to be communicated and coordinated within Extension’s service areas.
- For immediate assistance with multilingual communication during emergency situations, please contact (608)263-1125 or email