White Cedar 4-H Club uses artistic skill to serve others

Activity: Crafts and gardening at a local nursing home Group: White Cedar 4-H Club — Winnebago County Date of Activity: April 26, 2014 Number of people: 4 youth; 2 adults Number of hours: 2 hours per person We did crafts with older people we  planted and did door signs at the local nursing home. The […]


Iowa County 4-H Ambassadors spread good will through service

With the assistance from 4-H staff, two adult 4-H leaders planned and organized a day-long event called “Cloverbud Day” for Iowa County 4-H Cloverbuds. And in another service activity, the Iowa County 4-H Ambassadors assisted during the Iowa County Dairy Breakfast by helping to hand out cheese and assisting with activities for young children that attended the Iowa County Dairy Breakfast.


Forest Hills 4-H Club service projects in Fond du Lac County

Activity: Caroling at the St. Francis Nursing Home Group: Forest Hills 4-H Club — Fond du Lac County Date of Activity: November 30, 2013 Number of people: 14 youth; 3 adults Number of hours: 1 hour per person The members of the Forest Hills 4-H Club went to St. Francis Nursing Home, and sang Christmas carols […]