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Find Resources for your Community
Openly-Accessible Online Resources to Share with Clients and Research Partners
Article Databases (Popular and Research Literature)
- BadgerLink Licensed databases (many with full-text) for Wisconsin residents–a project of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Supplies access to databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, ERIC, GreenFILE, and more.
- Directory of Open Access Journals (About–mission, vision, partnerships)
- EurekAlert! American Association for the Advancement of Science (science news)
- Google Scholar (Google Web search engine for article content–citations, open-access articles, documents, and working papers)
- Public Library of Science
- SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online)
- Unpaywall (Free browser extension–Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox–that connects to Open Access research articles)
Extension Information
- EDEN: Extension Disaster Education Network
- Extension Foundation, Publications
- Journal of Extension (peer-reviewed e-journal)
Government Information
- Data.gov (open data products; browse by topic or search)
- Google Patents Search
- GPO (U.S. Government Publishing Office) (Searchable, full-text US Budget, CFR, Federal Register, etc.)
- Congress.gov (Current legislative activities, contact information)
- USA.gov (Official Web portal)
Library Catalogs & Digital Collections
- Chronicling America, Historic American Newspapers, Library of Congress
- Google Books (Search the full-text of copyrighted and public domain books for excerpts and to identify books to borrow from your local public library)
- HathiTrust Digital Library (not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items)
- Library of Congress (catalog, digital collections, and more)
- UW Digital Collections (collections of rare and unique photos, books, maps, recordings, archival documents, and more from across the UW, Wisconsin, and the world)
- WorldCat (catalog to library collections nationally, some internationally)
Reference Resources
- Encyclopedia of Earth (expert-reviewed online reference collection about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society)
- Encyclopedia of Life (online reference collection curating and sharing knowledge about living nature–animals, plants, fungi, protists and bacteria)
- InfoPlease Almanac (online reference tool including dictionary, thesaurus, atlas pages, quizzes, historical timelines and more)
Resources by Topic
Agriculture, Life Sciences, Natural Resources
- AgEcon Search Full-text library of agricultural and applied economics scholarly literature.
- AgData Commons, USDA
- Agricola (National Agriculture Library Catalog) 1970- (see PubAg, below)
- Agris FAO, Agricultural sciences & technology.
- Animal Diversity Web
- Biodiversity Heritage Library
- Core Historical Literature of Agriculture, Mann Library, Cornell University
- National Wildlife Health Center, USGS
- Plants Database, NRCS
- PubAg, National Agricultural Library, USDA
- SORA (ornithological literature)
- Treesearch, US Forest Service Research Publications
Education, Human Ecology, Social Sciences
- ERIC Education Resources Information Center. Also see BadgerLink licensed edition.
- Hearth (Home Economics Archive), Mann Library, Cornell University
- OER Commons (digital library, network)
- Open Textbook Library
- Office of Scientific and Technical Information, OSTI, US DOE
Medicine, Public Health
- Medline Plus (Health information–a service of the National Library of Medicine and NIH)
- PubMed, National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) medical literature database (with some full article access)