These resources were collected from UW-Extension educators.
Some are identified with flags to help you find what works best for you!
Evidence-based. Programs with this flag have been carefully tested and found to be effective. They often require specialized training and a high degree of fidelity to the curriculum.
Training required. This flag indicates that educators must complete a training before offering the program.
Stand-alone. These short, one-time programs can be used as individual workshops, or paired with other programs (e.g., as part of a lunch-and-learn series or part of other on-going programs with educational components). New to aging? Try one of these programs to hit the ground running!
Each program/resources listed includes:
- A link to more information about the program (this might be a website, or a news write up)
- Where the program was recently offered (i.e., which counties reported it)
- Common partners (or partner categories) and data where appropriate (e.g., % for really common partners)
- Any materials that are available (e.g., handbook, handouts, presentation slides, evaluations, etc)
- Evidence-based, evidence-informed, or emerging + links where relevant
- For commercial/well-established programs, how recently it was updated
- ‘Champion’ information, where appropriate
- Any other information that is appropriate and relevant
- Other Resources/Materials from colleagues (e.g., flyers)