
Nearly half of Wisconsin Family Living Educators (FLEs) report being involved in a coalition in the area of aging. These include aging coalitions, caregiving coalitions, dementia coalitions, and community health coalitions. Family living educators often present educational programming to coalitions. Some examples include:

  • Aging Friendly Communities (see the Facilitation Guide)
  • Aging-population demographics by subgroup (link coming soon).

Identifying Partners and Stakeholders

To help identify partners and stakeholders, consider the following questions (adapted from UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research):

  • Who is the primary beneficiary of the work?
  • Who is in a position to expand upon or implement the work?
  • Who will ultimately be affected by the work?
  • Who is in a position to affect implementation/dissemination of the work?

Common partners include:

Coalition Education Series

UW-Extension has a Coalition Education Series, with topics ranging from using data and evidence in community change to evaluating change and impact. These are available through the Youtube channel UWEX Coalition Education Series. (You may need to log into Google with your account to view).

For more information, contact Kathy Staats (, our coalition coach.

Time commitment: varies


Other Resources to Read and Share


Do you have other programs that have been well-received by coalition groups? Please email your suggestions and any materials (e.g., powerpoint slides, presentation outlines) to Kristin (