Expanding Access Quarterly is an internal publication that provides Division of Extension colleagues information about inclusion, diversity, equity, and expanding access efforts and issues relevant to their roles as employees and educators.
Spring 2024 issue
Wishing Caitlin Yunis all the best!!!
FAQs about Hiring and Retaining Bilingual Staff
Shifting Perspectives: The Importance of the Social Model of Disability
Disability Inclusion in Racine County
Fall 2023 Issue
Opening acknowledgement from the All-Colleague Conference (reprint of remarks delivered in person)
Update from the African American Black Employee Resource Group (AABERG)
Intake Analysis Project: Understanding OAIC’s work and impact through data
First-Ever Extension ERG/TF Summit
Reflections from the Road (this fall’s civil rights review visits)
Looking Back to Summer’s WIIP Showcase Event
Fall/Winter 2022 Issue
Milestone approaches as OAIC celebrates 3rd anniversary
Apply now for spring cohorts of the Learning Community: Application closes on December 15
Professional development series facilitates deeper understanding of audiences underserved by Extension
AABERG introduces the official annual report, ‘Brown Paper’, with new milestones!
Kick-off of Extension’s Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) employee resource group
Affirmative action case in U.S. Supreme Court: impact to Extension?
Events for Native November
Spring 2022 Issue
From land-grant to law school: Best wishes, Ariana Thao!
“Being LGBTQ in 2022” highlights ways educators can support the well-being of LGBTQ+ youth, particularly in rural areas
Inaugural cohort of Learning Community wraps up
Partnering with an interpreter? Advance preparation is key!
Call to Action update: Bias and Hate Concerns Reporting Platform is now live
Kyle Charters assisting with disability-related requests during Heather’s leave
Join us in welcoming OAIC’s newest team member: Eric Rohland
Time for a refresh!! Update your OAIC Service Request Form link
HMoob farmer’s symposium: Identifying pathways to strengthen support systems for Wisconsin’s HMoob farmers
Winter 2022 Issue
Elevando Wisconsin: Co-constructing a Culturally Appropriate Leadership Program
Employee Spotlight: Tounhia Khang
21 Positions Selected for The Wisconsin Idea Internship Program in 2022
AAERG’s Lineup for Black History Month
Hmong, HMoob, Hmoob – Which One Do I use?
The Evolution of Compliance
Fall 2021 Issue
Native November Speaker Series
Employee Spotlight: Luisa Gerasimo
The Wisconsin Idea Internship Program is Back for 2022
AAERG Update
Civil Rights Reviews Show Progress & Opportunities
38th Street & Chicago Avenue: The Intersection of Healing and Hope
Spring 2021 issue
Checking in following the Chauvin trial verdict
Getting to know OAIC’s newest team member: Kim Waldman, Compliance Coordinator & Equity Strategist
Employee Spotlight: Eva Terry
Update from the African American Employee Resource Group (AAERG)
Focus on accessibility: Anatomy of a disability accommodation
The Peace Corps Issue
Special issue of Expanding Access Quarterly featuring stories and photos of Extension colleagues who are former Peace Corps volunteers.
Winter 2021 issue
Equity leadership from within Extension
Knowing our audience as a starting point for positive change
Celebrate Black History Month with AAERG
Reminder on language access process and timelines
Calling all former Peace Corps volunteers!
Fall 2020 issue
Q&A with Aaron Bird Bear
Programming highlight: Anti-hate in Iron County
Re-introducing the African American Employee Resource Group
Employee Spotlight: James Boling
OAIC celebrates its first birthday!
Statement of appreciation to Dominic Ledesma from OAIC staff
30 years of civil rights for people with disabilities: Celebrating the ADA
Summer 2020 issue
What does systemic change look like?
Programming highlight: Serving Native communities in Wisconsin
Employee Spotlight: Janeth Orozco
The emergence of “BIPOC”: What it means and how it is used
Update from Civil Rights Leadership Team
New on the OAIC website: anti-racism resources and document library
The Dear Asians Initiative: how translation opened the door to allyship
Spring 2020 issue
Xenophobia: Addressing the pandemic nature of a social virus
Accessibility in the time of COVID-19
Use Zoom’s polling feature to collect demographic information
Employee Spotlight: Angie Allen
Extension’s resource groups and task forces
Hmong community research showcased in capitol rotunda event
Wisconsin Idea Internship Program postponed until 2021
An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requirements.