Waking Up White – A Google+ Book Study


book-study-imageBook: Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debbie Irving (2014)

Moderators & Hosts: Paula Hella, Calumet Co. Family Living Educator & Diana Hammer Tscheschlok, Fond du Lac Co. CNRED Educator

How: The study platform is a private-to-participants Google+ Community where we can discuss the book at our own time and pace.

When: Read or listen to the book at your own pace. The discussion on Google+ will start in mid-November.

Why: As white women and Extension Educators, we (Paula & Diana) found this an impactful story of what being white means. Irving’s story compelled us to think about how whiteness impacts our thoughts, actions, and the perceptions others have of us. Thinking about white privilege in this way has changed our view of ourselves and our approach to our work at UW-Extension.

Additional Resources:

Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments:

Diana (920/929-3178) & Paula (920/849-1450)

diana.hammer@wisc.edu and Paula.Hella@ces.uwex.edu