Anti-bullying Resources


News reports suggest that there has been an increase in bullying across our country, often targeting those protected by civil rights laws. This disturbing trend is more often than not experienced by school-aged children, but adults are affected as well.  As Extension employees, what can we do to promote respect, civility, and inclusiveness in our communities?  Below is a list of some federal, Extension, and non-Extension resources to help us in addressing these issues.


Federal Resources

Website |

App | Get KnowBullying, the free app from SAMHSA that can prevent bullying.

Extension Resources

Journal of Extension

Alabama Cooperative Extension

University of Missouri


Virginia Cooperative Extension

North Carolina State University Extension

University of Wisconsin

Michigan State University Extension (MSUE)

 Penn State Extension Better Kid Care Program

On Demand online modules:

Resource-to-practice tip pages:


Better Kid Care Contact: Claudia C. Mincemoyer, Ph.D. | email:

Non-extension resources