nEXT Gen News 4/13/2018

Institute Assignments Continue

Staff within the former CNRED, 4-HYD, and ANRE program areas have all received proposed institute assignments through email as of April 13. The next groups that we will work with include integrated specialists and Family Living staff. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

County Educator Vacancies:

  • Area Extension Directors (AEDs) continue to work through the hiring process to fill more than 40 priority vacancies through our two main waves of hiring for county educators. Nineteen of the positions have been filled. Most of the remaining positions to be filled in the first two waves of hiring since this fall are in various stages of the interview process. Therefore, there are currently no new posted positions for county-based educator and coordinator roles at this time.
  • AEDs have proposed solutions to the assistant deans to meet continued demand for Cooperative Extension programming and to minimize gaps in service while addressing the reality that there is a limit to the number of co-funded positions that Cooperative Extension can support. They expect to agree on solutions by the end of April and develop a standardized approach to prioritize filling vacancies in the future.
  • In case you missed it, additional information on the status of the county-based educator vacancies and contract process was shared in recent internal emails from our leadership:

Recent Hires: Nine recent hires will begin their new roles in March and April. These include educators and coordinators in 4-H, Human Development & Relationships, Health & Well-Being and Positive Youth Development.

Other postings related to the nEXT Generation Cooperative Extension model:

If you have general questions, the nEXT Generation project website is available as a resource for understanding the decisions that have been made as part of this project.