nEXT Gen News 3/2/2018

County-Based Educator Institute Assignment and Primary/Secondary Emphasis Selection Underway:

At the end of January, the Associate Deans and the Project Team released a decision document outlining updates to the nEXT Generation organizational structure. On February 19, they emailed the first wave of institute assignments to all county-based extension educators and coordinators. This email included a brief survey in which the educators selected a required primary program emphasis and an optional secondary emphasis. To date, 130 of 208 county-based educators and coordinators have completed the survey and selected their primary program emphasis. If you are a county-based educator and have not completed this survey, please remember to do so by COB March 2, 2018. If you have any questions, please contact Nathaniel Shay.

Specialist Institute Assignment and Primary/Secondary Emphasis Selection – Coming soon!

In early March, the Associate Deans and the Project Team will send institute assignments to non-integrated specialists, along with a primary/secondary program emphasis selection survey. Specialists will then have two weeks to complete the survey. Integrated specialists will receive institute assignments and a link to the survey in late March/early April.

County Educator Vacancy Postings:

Area Extension Directors (AEDs) continue to work through the hiring process for filling 47 priority vacancies through our two main waves of hiring for county educators this winter. Thirteen of the positions have a new hire starting between January and March of 2018. Currently, there are 10 open educator positions posted:

Other postings related to the nEXT Generation Cooperative Extension model:

  • Dane County – 1.0 FTE – Accountant – Closes 03/08/2018
  • Director for the Extension Institute for Health & Well-Being position was posted last Monday
  • Community Development Director will be posted soon.
  •  Search & Screen Committees are reviewing applicants for the Directors of the Extension Institute for Agriculture and the Extension Institute for Natural Resources positions.
  • Final interviews for the four candidates in the finalist stage for the Associate Dean of Operations and Policy position will occur March 1-2.Check your email for links to recordings of their presentations and links to feedback surveys!

If you have general questions, the nEXT Generation project website is available as a resource for understanding the decisions that have been made as part of this project.