The University of Wisconsin-Extension 4-H Youth Development Program inducted 100 laureates into the brand-new Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame Saturday, November 15. The Hall of Fame induction ceremony was the last statewide event celebrating 100 years of 4-H in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame was established to recognize 4-H volunteers, financial supporters, staff and pioneers who made major contributions to 4-H at the local, state and national levels. The honorees represent 4-H in the broadest sense, according to Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development State Program Director Dale Leidheiser.
“We are inducting volunteers, supporters and UW-Extension employees who had an impact on the lives of children, their community or state through significant contributions of time, energy, or financial resource to 4-H and its members,” Leidheiser says.
Wisconsin 4-H is proud to be represented by Dr. James Crowley in the 4-H Hall of Fame. Doc Jim, as he was known by many of his friends, devoted his career to serving dairy farmers and dairy professionals in Wisconsin and around the world. He was a native of Kentucky but came to Wisconsin to pursue his Ph.D. In 1950, he stated his career as Extension Dairy Specialist at UW-Madison. He focused on dairy cattle feeding and management throughout his four-decade career.
Over his career there were very few 4-H youth that didn’t encounter Doc Jim as a dairy judge at the county fair. He incorporated

Dr. James Crowley, Jr. and Diann Crowley accept the 4-H Hall of Fame award on behalf of Dr. Crowley, with Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Associate Program Director Kandi O’Neil and Wisconsin 4-H Youth Leader Council Vice President Debbie Heth
teaching into the showmanship contest by helping train youth wherever he could. He was a sought-after speaker at 4-H award banquets. If you attended UW-Madison, you might have been fortunate enough to be on his college team.
Dr. Crowley was one of the founders of World Dairy Expo and served as cattle superintendent for the first 20 years. His legacy lives on through the James W. Crowley 4-H Dairy Leadership Awards and the James W. Crowley Dairy Management and Extension Fund.
Since 1914, Wisconsin 4-H has helped youth grow the leadership, critical thinking and communications skills necessary to be successful in a constantly changing world. Visit the Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame website to learn more about the individuals who supported 100 years of growing Wisconsin leaders.