The Wisconsin Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals provides:
1. A framework through which we work for improvement and recognition of the 4-H youth development profession.
2. A group identity for the professional members with the same concerns and needs.
3. Recognition to members for professional achievement.
4. Opportunity for members to participate in professional improvement conferences.
5. A link with the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NAE4-HYDP).
Mission: The mission of WAE4-HYDP is to promote, strengthen, and advocate the Extension 4-H Youth Development profession while providing a safe forum, camaraderie, support, and recognition of its members.
To foster the well-being and integrity of the WAE4-HYDP membership.
To assess and address personal and professional improvement.
To involve the WAE4-HYDP membership issues about the Extension 4-H Youth Development profession.
Presidents Message:
Greetings and welcome to the website for the Wisconsin Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (WAE4-HYDP.) We are a professional organization dedicated to promoting, strengthening, enhancing and advocating for 4-H and the youth development profession in Wisconsin.
We are affiliated with the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals and aim to help 4-H Youth Development Educators build professional and personal competencies by:
*knowing and rocking PYD practices and programs
*living and working as great examples to others
*flexing and building the muscles of our communities for youth
*standing at the cusp of the future of PYD
So what???? Well, your association helps you make friends who are also colleagues, fills the gap in family and others who just have no idea what you do, gives you money to learn cool things, sends you to cool places to connect with even more potential friends, give you a chance to hang things on your wall to wow your County Administrator to Executive.
Here’s what you need to join:
2024 Membership Form To join the WI Chapter start here!
2024 Membership Invoice & Receipt
NAE4-HYDP Membership Details Joining NAE4-HYDP? Click here and create/update a profile!
WAE4-HYDP Treasurer materials – Before you submit an association bill:
Approved Budget 2024-2025
Transmittal Form 2024-2025