Share your Centennial events!

If your club, county or group is planning any 4-H Centennial events throughout the year, please share the dates and information with Jackie Askins or Christina Rencontre so they can be added to the Wisconsin 4-H Centennial Calendar! And after the events are over, please consider sharing photos with us as well, so we can […]

Wisconsin State Capitol

You’re invited: staff a table in the Rotunda during 4-H Day at the Capitol!

Do you love talking about 4-H? Do you love engaging people in hands-on activities that explore the great 4-H opportunities available around the state? Does your 4-H program, club or group exemplify the positive youth development, learning experiences, skill-building and FUN to be had in Wisconsin 4-H? Then we want YOU! to staff a table in the Rotunda during 4-H Day at the Capitol!!