Sunnyside Club in Chippewa County brings sunny side to veterans

Activity: Making May Baskets for veterans Sunnyside 4-H Club May Baskets

Group: Sunnyside 4-H Club — Chippewa County

Date of Activity: April 7, 2014

Number of people: 17 youth; 3 adults

Number of hours: 1.5 hours per person

Two of our youth leaders promoted this activity and our club approved.  Our club made May Baskets for the veterans who live at the Wisconsin Veterans Home.  We met before our club meeting to work on the project.  The youth purchased the cups, pipe cleaners and grass for the baskets, all other club members were asked to bring decorations.  Members decorated the cups, put handles on them, and then decorated them.  We will be purchasing candy to place in them before our meeting.   Our youth leaders then contacted the Veterans Home and scheduled our next club meeting for May 4 at the home, get a tour and we will deliver the baskets to the veterans. Our club is certain that most will be met with a smile.

For the time being, the youth learned the history of May Baskets, how to make one, and the needs of different veterans.  Some do not like visitors because they have some sort of mental health or physical health issues.  We will be learning more about human need when we deliver them in person.