Rusk County 4-H club supports other community organizations

Activity: Supporting Lions Club’s annual Easter FIlling easter eggsEggstravaganza

Group: Hoofbeats 4-H Club — Rusk County

Date of Activity: April 15 and 19, 2014

Number of people: 13 youth; 9 adults

Number of hours: 11 hours per person

We were asked by the Lions Club if we would help with their annual Easter Egg Hunt. on April 15, we helped stuff 7,000 Easter eggs and on April 19 we put on on a petting zoo during their Eggstravaganza. We spent 3 hours stuffing eggs, 2 hours getting animals ready on Friday, and 6 hours setting up, staffing, tearing down and cleaning up the petting zoo. We had many springtime babies that kids and adults got to hold and interact with. Many questions were asked, answers were given and lots of pictures taken. Han sanitizer was donated by Dollar General for use after touching animals.

Even in a rural community, not all people know about animals. It was great fun answering questions about the animals and seeing the public enjoy them. It was an honor to help a great organization like the Lions Club put on this event.

Participants learned:

  • How to plan to make an activity successful
  • The joy of giving your time and knowledge to help others
  • Responsibility to take care of animals and be on time for shifts
  • Safety precautions to keep animals and people safe
  • Courtesy needed to interact with others


Decorating cupcakes for Meals on WheelsActivity: Cupcake decorating for a Meals on Wheels fundraiser

Group: Hoofbeats 4-H Club — Rusk County (Cake Decorating project members)

Date of Activity: March 2014

Number of people: 7 youth; 5 adults

Number of hours: 5 hours per person

We were asked by the Aging and Disability office if our cake decorating class would decorate 180 cupcakes for the annual Meals on Wheels fundraiser. We gladly accepted. We met one night and planned what we wanted to do on the cupcakes and practiced (2 hours). The Senior Center baked the cupcakes and made frosting for us. We then met the night before the fundraiser and decorated the cupcakes. Additional supplies were brought by leaders. They used their talents they learned in cake decorating class to make flowers, leaves and more for about three hours.

We received many compliments and a letter from the Aging and Disability office. The fundraiser was a big success–which helps them fund the Meals on Wheels program.

Participants learned:

  • Planning skills
  • Working together to help others
  • Using your skills to help others
  • How the Meals on Wheels program is supported