Chippewa County 4-H group beautifies the local Salvation Army Food Bank

Activity: Making herb pots for the Salvation Army Food BankSunnyside 4-H makes herb pots

Group: Sunnyside 4-H Club — Chippewa County

Date of Activity: April 7, 2014 (and ongoing)

Number of people: 17 youth; 3 adults

Number of hours: 1-5 hours per person

Our club decorated and will plant (when weather permits) herbs in pots to place outside the entrance to our local Salvation Army Food Pantry.  A 4-H leader was approached by the manager because our club is known for helping the pantry and feeding the hungry in our community.  She was looking for a way to beautify the entrance and provide a learning activity for the guests of the pantry.  We decorated 3 large, 6 small terracotta pots with chalkboard paint and then bright colored paint.  We will be purchasing potting soil and mixing it with compost from the local compost pile and will plant herbs that were started by one of our club members.  The club purchased the pots and will be purchasing the potting soil.  The club already had the paint and herbs, and will get the compost from a free pile in town. Members of the community service committee did the purchasing and will deliver the pots when the weather is warmer.

Sunnyside 4-H club herb potsThe guests will have a more pleasant experience upon visiting the Food Pantry.  The experience of having to use a food pantry is not a comfortable one so giving some beauty to the location will make their time better.  These pots will also be used to teach gardening tips.  Homeless and families in transition cannot plant gardens, so the Food Pantry is going to teach their guests how to care for a “portable” pot garden so if they move they can take it with them.   The Salvation Army can also harvest some of the herbs for their guests.  We feel this had a great impact on the guests and volunteers of the pantry.

Our 4-H club members learned the skills that are required to not mix paint colors together and which brushes work best.  They learned which plants grow best in shade (which is where these will be located).  The Food Pantry manager came to our meeting to speak to our kids about the amount of people who use the pantry by ages.  She shared how much food each person gets for a month.  It was a great experience because none of our members have ever experienced this type of need and now they want to continue this relationship.  Powerful experience.