Turtle 4-H Club makes service a priority in Rock County

IMG_20140407_184956224 compressedThe Turtle 4-H Club in Rock County focuses some service projects on helping other youth in the community, whether it’s preparing materials for an Easter egg hunt or building an ongoing partnership with the young people at the Wisconsin School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Learn more about the acts of service they bring to their community:

Activity: Janesville Easter Egg Hunt

Club: Turtle 4-H Club — Rock County

Date of Activity: April 7, 2014

Number of people who worked on project: 30 youth; 20 adults

Number of hours: 1 hour per person

4-H members spent an hour filling over 1,000 Easter eggs with candy and made hundreds of Easter goodie bags. The Turtle club’s work will help provide an exciting Easter egg hunt to at-risk area youth. 4-H members were efficient and worked together to finish a huge task in a short time.

Activity: Making cards with students at the Wisconsin School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (WSBVI)

Club: Turtle 4-H Club — Rock County

Date of Activity: April 1, 2014

Number of people who worked on project: 12 youth; 6 adults

Number of hours: 1 hour per person

4-H members made cards for the nursing home with students from the WSBVI. This was a humbling experience for the youth and adults, and we look forward to more service events that support the WSBVI.