An Extra Cup: Inclusion and Diversity

Inclusion and Diversity Resources Civility, inclusion, and diversity are important on-going topics of conversations in our communities and throughout Extension. As a follow-up to our discussion about ageism and implicit bias here is a compendium of resources that may be useful to you. Yes, there is a lot of information here, but for me, at […]



Are you ageist? Are you sure?  Why does it matter, anyway? In this session, we defined and discussed implicit bias and micro-aggression, and we talked about how and why to counter these in yourself and others. While we discussed this in the context of aging and ageism, these concepts are applicable to other *isms as […]


Stress Mindset

Cultivating a Different Perspective on Stress During this Coffee Break, Kristin reviewed the science supporting a “new” approach to stress and introduce you to new tools (one book, one short online course) that aim to help people think differently about their stress.  It’s not stress reduction, coping, or mindfulness (although that’s great, too!) – it’s […]