What do you know about Medicare fraud?

Did you know that Medicare loses billions, yes BILLIONS of dollars each year due to fraud, errors and abuse? Think it can’t happen to you? Think it doesn’t happen in Wisconsin? Unfortunately, think again: it could, and it does. In a special webinar about the Wisconsin Senior Medicare Patrol program, Ingrid A. Kundinger, MBA, Senior Medicare Patrol Project Manager and Molly Kelly, Volunteer Coordinator, Wisconsin Senior Medicare program shared information about how you can protect, detect and report Medicare fraud, errors and abuse with the help of Wisconsin’s Senior Medicare Patrol and how we might be able to work together to share this message statewide.

To contact Wisconsin Senior Medicare Patrol:

Toll-Free Helpline: (888) 818-2611

WI SMP Email: smp-wi@gwaar.org


A recording of the webinar is available here (if you cannot access this folder, please email Kristin at litzelman@wisc.edu to request access).