On July 12th, the South Kinni Farmer Led Watershed Council held a picnic open to all landowners in the watershed at a members property. About 25 people enjoyed a potluck style picnic followed by presentations onsite. The presentations included a UAV demonstration by Logan Ahlers from UWRF, a no-till into sod demonstration by the Chair, Brad Peterson, a bee and pollinator study conducted by Nathan Grosse from UWRF, and a pollinator plot walkthrough by member and host Jerome Rodewald. The p
With growing interest from agriculture producers surrounding the Horse Creek Watershed, the Horse Creek Watershed Council has decided to expand its operating area to include the neighboring Squaw Lake watershed at its January 15, 2018 meeting. The Squaw Lake watershed is mainly comprised of very productive agricultural land. Its topography generates a significant amount of surface water runoff which is collected in its receiving water, Squaw Lake. Because of its impairment associated with ex