Wisconsin Tribal Colleges
Lac Courte Orielles Ojibwa Community College http://www.lco.edu/
College of the Menominee Nation http://www.menominee.edu/
Intertribal Organizations
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (GLITC): providing services to Native Americans in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota. http://www.glitc.org/index.php
Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC): providing natural resource management expertise, conservation enforcement, legal and policy analysis, and public information and education in support of the exercise of treaty rights during well-regulated, off-reservation seasons throughout the treaty ceded territories. http://www.glifwc.org/
University of Wisconsin-Native Nations Partnership http://nativenations.nelson.wisc.edu/index.php
American Indian Higher Education Consortium
National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution
USDA 1994 Land Grant Institutions