The Horse Creek Area Watershed Council continues to study the long term effects of utilizing no-till vs conventional tillage and the use of cover crops. This was the fourth year of our study and we saw some promising results. This 2018 report summarizes the data we collected in 2018 and offers some discussion about the 2.88 bushel advantage our no-till plots had over conventional tillage.
Horse Creek 2018 Test Plot Report
On Tuesday September 24th, the farmers of the Horse Creek Area Farmer-Led Watershed council had the opportunity to share their accomplishments with DATCP Secretary Brad Pfaff and State Senator Patty Schactner. The tour started with a visit to the test plot field where the council members, in partnership with Federated Coop and Polk County Land and Water Resources Department staff, conduct annual monitoring of different cropping practices such as conventional tillage, no-till, and cover crops.